Monday, December 19, 2011

La Nochebuena hasta el Dia de los Reyes en Catalunya...

Tenemos un artículo de "New York Times" describiendo cómo se pasa las dos semanas entre La Nochebuena y el Día de los Reyes en Barcelona.

Me parece muy divertido, y a ti, ¿te parece divertido?

Friday, December 9, 2011

Argentine rugby?

So, apparently Argentina not only has a national Rugby association, but it is well supported by its people as well.  Argentines are more european than people from other South American countries due to a huge immigration of European peoples throughout Argentina's history.  Due to this influx of European blood and heritage in Argentina, the people tend to be physically larger than the people from the other South American countries; thus permitting them to participate in a sport as physical as rugby.

Mr. Girodano has sent us a video of the Argentine National team preparing itself during the national anthem (himno nacional).  These Argentines are quite proud to represent their fatherland.

This wikipedia article may also interest you.  It explains the roots of Argentine rugby, and elucidates just how popular it is.

Highlights of Los Pumas.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

El desplazamiento lingüístico.

Es un fenómeno que ocurre cuando una lengua presta expresiones o palabras de una lengua de un país vecino.  Por ejemplo, el español mexicano tiene muchas influencias gramaticales del inglés (Pharies).  Unos ejemplos son así:

Chicano (el español mexicano)              El castellano                             El inglés Americano (de EEUU)
Hizo improve mucho                            Mejorar mucho                         To improve a lot
Los están busing para otra escuela       Los están tranportando              They are transporting/busing them
Taipear                                                Escribir a máquina                     To type
Puchar un carro                                    Empujar el carro                       To push the car
Mistir el tren                                         Perder un tren                           To miss the train

Pharies, David. Breve historia de la lengua española. Chicago y Londres: University of Chicago Press, 2007.

The Haka

    Speaking of "los deportes" in class makes it necessary to enlighten you fine young men on the cultural aspect of various sports.  Polynesian Islands such as: Hawaii, Guam, and New Zealand possess a zealous warrior past which is still present today in two of the more popular combat sports, football and rugby.
    The New Zealand "All Blacks", who have been crowned world cup champions various times; as well as The University of Hawaii football team, harness the power of "the Haka" before or after the competition to intimidate opponents or to pay homage to their Polynesian customs.
    As for Guam, or American Samoa (as it is called now-a-days) has produced the most NFL football players of any territory or state its size.

All Blacks Haka

Hawai'i Warriors Haka

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


What is the ETA?  Is it the militant wing of the Basque people?  Do they want their autonomy?  Are they willing to go to violent extremes to cause terror in an effort to achieve their goal of separation from the Spanish Crown?  Have there been any successful terror plots or assassinations? What does Spain plan to do about their violent ways?

La penas de los miembros violentos del ETA.

Google Translate

Por si caso, que yo os presento un artículo que se escribió solamente en español y no podéis entenderlo, es posible que uséis este sitio de la red, Google Translate.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Arabic and Spanish (Arábigo y el Castellano).

During the Reconquista (1492 AD) of the Iberian Peninsula, Spanish was spoken by the Catholic Europeans, and Arabic was spoken by the Moor, or Muslim, occupiers.  Modern Spanish has many “lexemas”, or borrowed words, in various fields.  For example:

  • Administración:             alcalde, alguacil, barrio
  • Militar:                          alcázar, almirante, rehén
  • Vivienda:                      alcoba, alquiler, azotea, zaguán
  • Agricultura:                   aceituna, acequia, arroz, algodón, alubia, azúcar, naranja, zanahoria
  • Artesanía:                     albañil, alfarero, alfiler, badana
  • Comercio:                    aduana, almacén, arancel, fanega, maravedí
  • Topónimos:                  Cáceres, Guadalquivir, Guadarrama, Madrid

<<Topónimo>> = cities, rivers, mountains, and other geographical features.

If you do not know what these words mean, use a Spanish-English Dictionary!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


It is the language spoken in the Northwestern province of Spain called Galicía.  Es una mezcla del portugués
y el español.


Es la lengua de los Vascos del norte de España.  No es una lengua semejante al español ni las otras lenguas romances.

El video vasquence.

El catalán.

This is the language spoken in the province of Catalunya.  It is a mixture of French and Spanish, but it sounds a little bit like Portugues.

El video catalán.
¿Necesitas tú un diccionario español?
¿Te cansas de pedir a tu profesor para una significación de palabra desconocida?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


¡Bienvenidos al blog de Español I! Here you can access links to various sites to aid you as you embark on this new and fascinating adventure known as Spanish I. ¡Vamos!